A Law Firm That Understands
The Needs Of A Modern Business

Headshot of attorney Julie Rosario

Julie Rosario

  • Paralegal

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Julie Rosario joined Hart Kienle Pentecost as a paralegal in 2015. She works closely with the firm's attorneys in the commercial, residential and manufactured housing practice areas. Julie handles most, if not all, of the eviction files for our clients. Julie began working at the firm when she was a high school student as part of the OCBA's Project SELF program. She continued to work with the firm while obtaining her BA in criminal justice from California State University, Long Beach where she graduated in 2008. Prior to joining Hart Kienle Pentecost full-time, Julie worked for the Law Offices of Thomas Wallin, specializing in criminal cases


  • California State University, Long Beach, California
    • B.A. - 2008
    • Major: Criminal Justice