Trust And Estate Litigation Throughout Southern California
Disputes over estates inevitably involve family members and require a unique and tailored legal strategy and expertise.
A trustee or beneficiary may be facing or contemplating legal action, stemming from disagreements over how an estate administration is proceeding. A trustee may have been accused of mismanagement or misappropriation of funds. A contest could erupt over allegations of incompetence, undue influence or mysterious last-minute changes to an estate plan.
At Hart Kienle Pentecost – serving trust and estate clients in California since 1982 – we know that proper estate planning can help minimize the risk of probate litigation. However, if you are involved in a dispute that is headed to court, our experienced attorneys can achieve the results you are looking for.
Hart Kienle Pentecost lawyers have built a decades-long reputation for positive results in areas of trust litigation, estate administration disputes and conservatorships, and have successfully represented both trustees and beneficiaries in matters related to:
- Trustee appointment and removal
- Determinations as to whom property shall pass
- Compelling a trustee to report information to beneficiaries
- Court instructions
- Elder abuse matters
- Granting powers to a trustee
- Internal affairs of trusts
- Misappropriation of trust assets
- Modification or termination of trusts
- Redress for breach of trust and fiduciary duty
- Trust accountings
- Validity of trust provisions
Trust & Estate Litigation (PDF)
We will take charge of your case immediately, expertly handling all details of your estate or trust matter. Contact Hart Kienle Pentecost for a confidential initial consultation on your legal issues. We are here to protect your rights and interests. To schedule a consultation call us at 714-432-8700.