Do you ever forward memes to your coworkers and social media friends? It might be a picture of a kitten hanging from a branch and being told to just "hang in there" or it might be a grumpy cat who "hates Mondays" or it might not even feature a picture of a cat. It...
Month: September 2015
We’ve Got Copyrights. Yes, We Do.
Just in time for the fall football season, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a ruling on the question of what makes a cheerleading uniform a cheerleading uniform. If you have a favorite football team, professional or college, then you probably also...
Who Reviews the Reviewers?
Whether it's Yelp, Facebook, or Twitter, positive online reviews can make or break a new product or service. No one knows that better than the savvy folks over at Microsoft. So, when Microsoft released the XBoxOne back in 2013 the marketing department tried to make...
A Plastic Toy Hamster by Any Other Name…
If a major toy manufacturer named a plastic toy hamster after you, would you be upset? Flattered? Angry enough to file a lawsuit in federal court seeking a permanent injunction and monetary damages of more than $5 million? Well, if you're FOX News personality Harris...
Uniform Law Revision Update Uniform Residential Landlord And Tenant Act
At the most recent MHI Convention in Las Vegas, one of the educational seminars addressed the potential impacts of the new revised Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. In the intervening time after the MHI Convention, the Uniform Law Commission has continued...