Mobile homeowners are free to do what they want with the interior of the dwelling. When they reside in a mobile home park, there are limits to what they’re allowed to do outside. As a park owner or management company, it is imperative that you clearly convey the...
Month: May 2020
Accused of failing to maintain a property? You could face lawsuits
In a mobile home park or manufactured home community, you’re going to have times when you need to make repairs. You will need to replace playground equipment, repair walks and refresh paint jobs. You want to do your best to keep the community looking its best not only...
Tips for selling your company
You have run your company, a mobile home park, for years. You enjoyed it and the business has done well. You even expanded at one point, buying a nearby lot. Now, however, it is time for you to retire. You don’t have any children who want to take on the business, so...
Know your responsibilities as a mobile home park owner
Mobile home park owners have specific duties that are noted in the California Mobilehome Residency Law (MRL). This law also contains a host of responsibilities for the owners of each individual mobile home. It’s imperative to understand the law so that you or the park...