Removing a tenant from a mobile home they’re renting is a difficult process for everyone involved. There are times when people acknowledge they’re behind on rent and want to get caught up but just don’t have the ability to pay a large sum at one time.
As a landlord, it is your right to turn to the court to remove the renter from the home. In some cases, you might do better to go through mediation and find out if you can work something out with the tenant. This might be beneficial if they’ve been model renters but had an unexpected event take place.
Mediation involves you and the tenant working with a neutral third party to try to come up with new terms for the arrangement. You have to offer what’s best for your business, but if you want to keep the tenant, you have to be realistic about what they can do.
In some cases, it might be better to propose an increased monthly rent price that enables them to pay down the balance they owe you over time instead of collecting it up front. You might be able to work out a down payment with them.
If you don’t come to an agreement or simply don’t want to work something out, you can proceed with the eviction process. You’ll file paperwork with the court, serve the tenant, file your proof of service with the court, wait for the tenant to respond, and go through an eviction trial. Once the court provides you with the appropriate documents, you can remove the tenant from the property.